A college student runs into an old friend who promises to help him make his mother's dying wish come true.SETTING: Toronto, 2014 - 2015. With a little cosmic powers beyond comprehension twist.


Jack Saito


a medical student grappling with his mother's death

BIRTHDAY: July 23 1990
HOME TOWN: Toronto, Canada
PERSONALITY: Nervous, Selfless, Loyal
HOBBIES/INTERESTS: Astronomy, Smoking, Fishing
SKILLS: First aid, Chemistry

Valentina Volkovich


ambition incarnate

BIRTHDAY: November 1 1988
HOME TOWN: Milan, Italy
PERSONALITY: Methodical, Charismatic, Scornful
HOBBIES/INTERESTS: Motorcycles, Axe throwing
SKILLS: Can talk her way out of anything

Jane Saito


a rowdy accountant who's been off the grid

BIRTHDAY: July 23 1990
HOME TOWN: Toronto, Canada
PERSONALITY: Stubborn, Straightforward, Puts her all into everything
HOBBIES/INTERESTS: Beer tasting, Hiking, Fitness
SKILLS: Hand to hand combat

Wren Davis


a loyal man who always pays his debts

BIRTHDAY: June 30 1987
HOME TOWN: New York City, New York
PERSONALITY: Earnest, Reliable, Curious
HOBBIES/INTERESTS: Mixing drinks, Birdwatching, Karaoke
SKILLS: Coding, Electrical Engineering